Become an organizer

We offer clinics and expert seminars all over the world. Would you like to organise an ARR clinic at your barn or within your horse society? Then have a look at our wide range of clinic modules. Choose the clinic structure that best meets your requirements – including tailor-made formulas for specific target audience or horse professionals (trainers, veterinarians, body workers, farriers, horse societies, riding schools etc.). Talk to us about your individual needs!

We communicate every clinic on our website and on our Facebook page. On demand, we send you posters for your clinic announcement.

Basic Training


Theoretical introduction to the biomechanics of the horse: How does as a flight animal react in the wilderness an how do those movement and behaviour patterns influence our riding horses? Why do they limit the performance of our sport horses are responsible for many rideability issues and widespread health problems?
Detailed explanation of straightness training and anatomically correct horsemanship according to ARR: How does my horse learn to move like an athlete in order to reduce the risk of injury? How can I ride my horse with fine aids? How can I achieve a horse that travels with a positively moving back and in honest collection?


Video taping and analysis of the movement patterns of new horses.


Lungeing and riding training for participants who are already familiar with the ARR method. Straightness training/lungeing of new horses.

Duration: 3 days
Instructor: Klaus Schöneich
Participants: ca. 8 participants with 2 lessons per day

Advanced Training


Lungeing and riding training for participants who are already familiar with the ARR method. This module can be combined with sitting training.

Duration: 1–2 days
Instructors: Gabriele Rachen-Schöneich or Klaus Schöneich
Participants: ca. 8 participants with 2 lessons per day

Sitting training


Sitting training on the lunge for participants who are already familiar with the work of ARR. This module can be combined with the advanced training. The focus is on the harmonious connection between rider and horse and the use of weight and seat aids.

Duration: 1–2 days
Instructor: Gabriele Rachen-Schöneich
Participants: ca. 8 participants with 2 lessons per day

Lectures for riding clubs


There is an athlete in every horse. Correct lungeing and gymnastics. Causes of rideability problems and tension. Straightening as the most important element of the training scale. Theoretical introduction to the biomechanics of the horse, explanation of our concepts of straightening training and anatomically correct riding.

Duration: 3 hours
Instructors: Gabriele Rachen-Schöneich or Klaus Schöneich
Participants: 15–20 participants

Lecture for horse professionals


The underestimated importance of natural crookedness and the importance of straightening for keeping the horse healthy and ready to perform. Back problems, lameness and possibilities of rehabilitation using our straightening training, over 30 years of experience in the rehabilitation of horses with kissing spine, ataxia, undiagnosable lameness and other musculoskeletal impairments.

Duration: 4 hours
Instructors: Gabriele Rachen-Schöneich or Klaus Schöneich
Participants: 10-15 participants

Seminar and analysis day


Theoretical introduction to the biomechanics of the horse, explanation of our concepts of straightening training and anatomically correct riding.


Videotaping and analysis of the movement patterns of horses unfamiliar with our training concept.

Duration: 1 day
Instructors: Gabriele Rachen-Schöneich or Klaus Schöneich
Participants: approx. 5 participants with their horse, approx. 20 spectators